Residential Skylights, Sun Tunnels, and Roof Windows
Why Natural Overhead Lighting Via Skylights for Your Home?
Rooms filled with natural light seem more spacious, lift your spirits, and have an ambiance that no artificial light source can duplicate. We need daylight to regulate our biological clock, which takes its cues from the light around us. But not every space was built with the purpose of maximizing natural light indoors. That’s where skylights, sun tunnels, and roof windows resolve this concern.
Technological advances in skylights have created significant improvements in these types of windows and daylight-channeling devices. VELUX has developed the NO-LEAK Skylight with a 10-year warranty to overcome the earlier design challenges and installation.
Roof windows are well-suited for living or working space in renovated attics, lofts, and garages. In the past, the only choice was adding small windows on the walls or building gables, which significantly added to the cost of construction or remodeling.
Sun Tunnels (also known as tubular skylights, light pipes, and sun pipes) are a lower-cost alternative to bring natural light into spaces from full-sized rooms to closets and laundry rooms where the investment in a full-size skylight is not practical.
The pages in this section help homeowners, do-it-yourself homeowners, and residential building contractors understand the benefits of skylights.
Contact Rochester Skylights today to illuminate your home or business
with skylights, sun tunnels or roof windows!