Overcoming Too Much Heat from Skylights
As much as we love the sun and its warmth, too much could become uncomfortable to endure in an enclosed room. If your home is air conditioned, rooms overheated by older skylights can increase your energy costs to keep a room enjoyable to use.
Why are rooms with older skylights too warm or too cold?
Every skylight is sized to fit a particular room according to many different factors. First, understand that most people who are disappointed with the darkness of a room, oversize their skylight selection. This usually causes heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer. Many contractors install a standard 2×4 skylight, without considering all of the factors.

What has VELUX done to moderate the heat produced through a skylight?
VELUX developed an entirely new line of skylights called the A21 series. The deck-mounted A21 skylights feature a No-Leak Promise from VELUX. These skylights are new from top to bottom and feature three layers of leak protection and an entirely new method of installation. The A21 series includes pre-painted interior frames and insulated LoE3 (low emissivity) glass that provides more daylight with superior heat control. Now, blinds and shades will fit virtually every skylight application.
Contact Rochester Skylights today to illuminate your home or business
with skylights, sun tunnels or roof windows!